I mean, they write this stuff for an 8 year old mentality !
I mean ,I think it takes an 8 year old mentality to believe it!
i wanted to make just a thread for this statement of mind control as it was very blatant .
in the may 15th witness only wt under the article "husbands, imitate christ's love !
" it states, " if you are a christian husband, remember that your wife is also your christian sister.
I mean, they write this stuff for an 8 year old mentality !
I mean ,I think it takes an 8 year old mentality to believe it!
to the student of ignorance and fear mongering : regarding your proclamation of the end times.. the point is the select signs of the times of the gt as written in the bible could be placed well in any moment of human history.
for last 2000 years and even be placed with greater accuracy in the middle ages, so when someone reads information from apocalyptic religious.
cults like the jws who are trying to superimpose fear into people so they will react in the way they want them to react, hence it pays to analise.
bible student,
I dont quite know how to tell you this.....I hope your sitting down.....The bible is not about Jehovahs Witnesses nor did the apostasy of the orginization begin with the UN crisis...........It all started when Charles T Russell was born! Are you really that ignorant to the history of that organization! Do us all a favor....spend less time trying to figure out prophecy and try to figure out where your head is
over the years, in the congregations i have been in, there have been 4 different people with "perfume or cologne allergies.
anyway, they would always sit in the library, and at the bookstudy some years ago one sister would sit outside and comment through the window!
another sister would sometimes wear a white "surgical" mask in the hall.. the congregation i am attending now has a sister like that.
i wish i would have known about this allergy when i was a kid! i could have told my parents i was listening on the phone while i played nintendo!
unwittingly the germans, during wwii, they experimented with many, many ways for killing people, efficiently and quickly.
their records show that when a person is suspended with their hands over their head, as they would be on the jw "torture stake," they can survive for approximately one hour.
if their feet are tied down, as well, the time is reduced to about 15 minutes.. .
its been a while since anyone has mentioned it , (watchtower jewelry) but how about the stupid lapel badges that all jws are suppose to wear at conventions of course they do not feature the cross as that might detract away from the glory of the watchtower organization and remind someone of the true savior Jesus, it however does proudly feature you guessed it the TOWER. In fact every badge I have ever seen has featured this graven Image, in fact the kingdom ministry encourages witnesses to proudly wear these badges after the convention
ive been hearing alot about witness only mags and wanted to know what the world everyones talking bout'.
left the organization many years ago!
does the organization have two entirely different issues??????
Ive been hearing alot about witness only mags and wanted to know what the world everyones talking bout'. Left the organization many years ago! Does the organization have two entirely different issues???????
unwittingly the germans, during wwii, they experimented with many, many ways for killing people, efficiently and quickly.
their records show that when a person is suspended with their hands over their head, as they would be on the jw "torture stake," they can survive for approximately one hour.
if their feet are tied down, as well, the time is reduced to about 15 minutes.. .
"Again, I am not arguing the rightness or wrongness of a stake versus a cross. As I said earlier, I don't know which it was. What I have trouble with is that neither you or the WT know the correct answer either" tenyearsafter
well said ten years. reniaa reminds me of why I left the watchtowercheers
unwittingly the germans, during wwii, they experimented with many, many ways for killing people, efficiently and quickly.
their records show that when a person is suspended with their hands over their head, as they would be on the jw "torture stake," they can survive for approximately one hour.
if their feet are tied down, as well, the time is reduced to about 15 minutes.. .
the new world dosent have staros or whatever here to argue would like someone to research this 1 cor 1:18-26
unwittingly the germans, during wwii, they experimented with many, many ways for killing people, efficiently and quickly.
their records show that when a person is suspended with their hands over their head, as they would be on the jw "torture stake," they can survive for approximately one hour.
if their feet are tied down, as well, the time is reduced to about 15 minutes.. .
18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
I think this sums it up
contrast this with the new world mistranslation
18 For the speech about the torture stake is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is God’s power.
22 For both the Jews ask for signs and the Greeks look for wisdom; 23 but we preach Christ impaled, to the Jews a cause for stumbling but to the nations foolishness; notice the jews and now the jws are stumbled by it and how stupid it would sound to replace cross with Pole
theres power in the pole
unwittingly the germans, during wwii, they experimented with many, many ways for killing people, efficiently and quickly.
their records show that when a person is suspended with their hands over their head, as they would be on the jw "torture stake," they can survive for approximately one hour.
if their feet are tied down, as well, the time is reduced to about 15 minutes.. .
and outlaw good comment on logos....Cross means jesus and what his death means to all who appreciate it. The tower is an embarrasment to all who where mislead by it.
unwittingly the germans, during wwii, they experimented with many, many ways for killing people, efficiently and quickly.
their records show that when a person is suspended with their hands over their head, as they would be on the jw "torture stake," they can survive for approximately one hour.
if their feet are tied down, as well, the time is reduced to about 15 minutes.. .
reniaa do you have light poles where you live. we do and they have a cross bar up top to support the lines. we dont call em light crosses just poles.
if I may john 20 25 doubting thomas states that he must see his hands and the imprint of the nails plural suggesting that 2 nails were used on outstretched arms like on a cross or light pole if you will. further jesus when describing peters death jesus once again uses a cross in john 21:18
he says when you are old you will be girded with outstreched arms.......... overwhelming historic evidence that peter was crucified upside down